Bladder Health
Around half of men and women will experience symptoms of urinary incontinence in their lifetime. This can vary from little leaks when you cough or jump known as Stress Urinary Incontinence to losing large volumes of urine associated with urgency called Urge Urinary Incontinence. Physiotherapy is very effective in treating a range of bladder issues from regaining control to managing persistent pain.
Conditions treated:
Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic Pain – BPS, CPPS
Incomplete emptying
Slow or intermittent flow
Post urination dribble
Pre & Post Prostatectomy
Treatments offered:
The new MAPLE device – more information here
Pelvic floor training
Bladder retraining
Myofascial release/Trigger point therapy
Neuromuscular stimulation
Biofeedback – machine based
Medication management